Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Everybody Loves Roman

Did anyone see the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond about the suitcase? Ray returns home from a trip and leaves his suitcase on the landing of the stairs. Debra refuses to move it and then it just sits there while they each wait for the other to make the first move and put it away.

Well... we went to Mystic almost a month ago. When we got home, I unloaded our suitcase and put it by the basement stairs. Roman did pick it up and carry it downstairs to where our storage is. But instead of putting it back where it came from, it stopped here:

And yes, that is the door to our storage area. Two more steps, the turn of one door knob and woohoo, victory. But alas, there it sits, sadly within distance of the rest of its small family just inside that door. Sorry suitcase, we'll get you home real soon. I hope.


  1. You need to go into your settings and add an email address so when you comment on someones blog they can respond to you via email! Right now you are a "no reply" b/c there is no email attached. But thanks for your comment! Glad to know I'm not the only one w/ many piles around my house!!

  2. Oh my, that is funny!! I seem to have the same problem with the dirty laundry hamper and the mysterious piles of mens clothes that somehow land right beside in but never in it...grrr.
