Friday, July 20, 2012


Braeden started his golf lessons last week. I didn't make it to the first lesson, but I was able to go today to get some pictures. It is so much fun to watch these little guys try to play a sport that is difficult for many adults. All of the kids approach it so differently and are at varying levels of skill, though they are all in the 4 to 6 year old range. I'm so proud of Braeden for trying and taking interest in something new. For only his second lesson, I think he's doing pretty well. He's making contact with the ball (which is great), but he's having a bit of trouble transitioning from his baseball swing to a golf swing. But most of all, he likes it and is having fun learning. I think the best part is that Ethan, Brayden and Riley are all playing too so they are all having fun and trying something new together. I love it!
Before we left 

At the driving range waiting for instruction

 Ethan and Braeden

 Riley and Brayden (He's a lefty which is why he's swinging opposite)

I think one of the biggest thrills for the kids is the golf cart ride at the end. The instructor and his helpers load the kids into the carts and drive them back to the clubhouse. The lucky parents get to walk back carrying the kids clubs. Good thing a five year old's bag doesn't weigh anything. 

Smiles after a great lesson!